Emergency Management

It's time to start thinking about severe weather. City of Carrington will begin testing both outdoor warning sirens 01 May through September. Sirens will be tested once per month on the first Tuesday of each month at 1:00 PM.

Outdoor sirens are not designed to be heard indoors. If severe weather is in the area, sirens will not be tested.

1000 5th St. N
Carrington North Dakota 58421

PO Box 104
Carrington North Dakota 58421

Cell: (701)650-2085

Located in the Foster County Courhouse Emergency Management duties include:

Provides a countywide system for effective mitigation, preparation for, response to, and recovery from, manmade or natural disasters.

Prepares and maintains a plan which provides for:

  • Alerting and informing the public
  • Assessing the situation
  • Activating volunteers
  • Supporting emergency response
  • Restoration and recovery

Emergency management has an important role in both emergencies and non-emergencies.

  • During an event, emergency management is the coordinating entity between emergency responders, the state agencies, and federal agencies to ensure that resources are where they are most needed.
  • Keeping the public informed on impending events by sending out code reds and keeping up a social media presence, and what to do post event,
  • Activating volunteers, and monitoring the situation are other duties that may occur before, during, and after an event.

Pre/post disaster, the role during non-emergencies is rather extensive. There are grants that the federal government offers that can be applied for depending on the criteria, there is public assistance post event that needs to be managed, and mitigation planning to reduce the impact a disaster has on a community.

Grants that Foster County is currently working on include: Outdoor warning sirens under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (FEMA), updating the Multi-Hazard Mitigation that is due October of 2015 in order to be eligible for federal funds, this is also under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program through FEMA. Foster County has applied for several grants under the Department of Homeland Security for emergency responders.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the most up to date information on what is going on in Foster County and don’t forget to sign up for Code Red!

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/FosterCounty?ref=hl
Twitter Account: https://twitter.com/FosterCoEM

Mitigation Plan link: Foster county emergency management


By clicking on the Nixle Notification link and voluntarily submitting phone information, Foster County accepts no liability due to service interruption, no reception, downed power lines, fiber optic failure, cell phone malfunctions, cell phone operator errors, or any other acts of God. This agreement does not expire unless the owner of the phone line(s) signs a “do not call” form. It is the responsibility of the phone owner to update any changes or corrections to the information that is added into the data base. Foster County will act in Good Faith to attempt to provide the citizens of Foster County with information in regards to health, life, or security risks. 



Contact Info

Darlene Thomas
Foster Co. Emergency Management
Located in Foster Co Courthouse
(701) 652-2252